In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas G. Sheppard of the County of Cape Girardeau in the State of Missouri being weak of body but of sound and disposing memory do make ordain this as my last will testament hereby revoking all others after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid.
Item 1st I do hereby will that my slave Nancy be emancipated and free from servitude at my death, and I do hereby emancipate set free and discharge the said Nancy from servitude as slave and from slavery after my death, and that this said Nancy shall be free from servitude slavery.
2. I will and bequeath to my brother Joel R. Sheppard all my meaning apparcel of every kind & description.
3. It is my will and desire that the land which I own being part of the tract of land on which my father John Sheppard dec'd resided being one half of said tract be sold by my executor herein after mention and that the proceeds arising from the sale thereof, be equally divided among my brothers and sisters that are living at the time of my death share and share alike.
4. If I do not leave sufficient personal property besides my wearing apparcel which is not to be sold, to pay the debts that I may owe funeral expenses, it is my will and desire that the residue of my debts which the sales of the personal property may fail to pay, that the same be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the land before the division of the proceeds thereof takes place.
5. I will and bequeath to James N. Bennett one feather bed, bedstead, pillows, bolster and bed clothing for the use of said negro woman Nancy, to be held by said Nancy shall have at all times, and all the time the use property and enjoyment of said bedding, bed bedstead, bolster, pillows, bed clothing.
6. I do hereby appoint constitute and appoint James N. Bennett, my brother-in-law resident of said County Executor of this my last will and testament and do hereby again confer the power approve the to execute this will, and to sell said land.
In witness of this being my last will and testament, I the said Thomas G. Sheppard have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 18th day of December A.D. 1846.
Signed by the undersigned as
As witnesses at the request of
The testator, in the presence
Of the testator, in the presence
Of each other and signed by
The testator in our presence
David H. Davis
Bernard S. McGuire
Greer W. Davis